Al-Shaq – Great Canyon

​The Great Canyon of Saudi Arabia

Tabuk Province has one of the most incredible concentrations of natural wonders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including many still to be discovered. In between the newly famous Jibal Hisma and Wadi Qaraqir is a more discreet but fascinating place, Al-Shaq. This name means the tear (or rip) which makes sense as here the earth has been literally torn apart by  tectonic forces. That is the reason why this place is also known as the Great Canyon of Saudi Arabia.

Al-Shaq is just 4 kilometers away from the road between Dhiba and the city of Tabuk, near a village called Shiqry. While heading west from the road there is nothing remarkable except the elegant sandstone formations that are found everywhere in that area. After 3 kilometers some large stone circles appear on the ground that are probably another example of the numerous Bronze Age (3rd millennium BCE) tombs of the Arabian Peninsula.

Bronge Age stone structure near Al-Shaq (photo: Florent Egal)

Bronge Age stone structure near Al-Shaq (photo: Florent Egal)

But once past those tombs, what was just a shallow dry valley on the south becomes a crack in the ground that keeps on spreading until becoming a wide and impressively deep canyon. It is actually possible to be at the exact place where the breach appears and stand with feet on both sides of it.

A track allows relatively easy access to the northern part of the canyon where the impressive scale of Al-Shaq is revealed. An overhang offers a perfect perspective for a souvenir picture but be careful not to get too close as rocks may fall some 300 meters lower!

When looking towards the east one can distinguish in a vertical breach a wrecked car that attempted the big jump as a reminder to all people about being careless at the edge of the cliff.

Al-Shaq aka Great Canyon of Saudi Arabia (photo: Florent Egal)

Al-Shaq aka Great Canyon of Saudi Arabia (photo: Florent Egal)

​Al-Shaq has a little secret feature hidden in the shallow valley that becomes the canyon, a so-called mushroom rock, meaning a rock whose base is narrower than its upper part. Try to find it!

Sandstone formations and mushroom rock near Al-Shaq (photo: Florent Egal)

Sandstone formations and mushroom rock near Al-Shaq (photo: Florent Egal)

​How to visit Al-Shaq

Although Al-Shaq is just 4 kilometers away from the rock a proper 4x4 is required to reach the canyon as the track starts sandy then becomes rocky, tricky to handle with a SUV and impossible with a sedan car.

​Tour operators organizing trips to Al-Shaq

Horizons Tours
​The Horizons Tours "Saudi Desert Wanderers", certified by the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Heritage (SCTH), specializes in unraveling the[...]

About the Author

My name is Florent Egal, I am a French national living in Riyadh since January 2010. After six years of exploration of Saudi Arabia I have decided to show with this website that KSA has much more to offer than the stereotype landscape of empty extends of sand dunes. I hope that after reading through these pages people will feel the same willingness and amazement than I have to discover this fascinating country